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Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

Travel Story Western authors who study the beauty of the AL-Qur'an

I admire his AL-QURAN

Carla Power, a former Newsweek journalist, spent a year studying the Koran with Sheikh Mohammad Akram Nadwi, a renowned Islamic scholar.

A friendship in the 1990s when both worked at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, a think-tank in the United Kingdom, the two friends are working on a project mapping the spread of Islam in Asia.

After the terror attacks of September 11, both increasingly close friendship as more narrow the gap between East and West. Of friendship, they wrote a book If Oceans Were Ink: An Unlikely Friendship and A Journey to the Heart of the Koran which challenges the assumption Power of Western culture and the Muslim world.

In an interview with The Star, Power shows how little Western writers know about the Muslim holy book, the Koran.

Citing the page, Saturday, May 2nd, 2015, Power acknowledges the Islamic world is not a new thing for him. Even the father who holds a law professor at Missouri admittedly very loved life in the Islamic world.

"He considered it (Islam) as an anti-depressant most potent. We will pack up and move for a year, sometimes two years, to some Islamic countries, "he said.

At the age of five years, Power had to follow her parents moved to Iran in the early 1970s. at that time, Power was viewed anniversary of the Iranian monarchy rule that all 2,500 years at Persepolis.

Armed with that experience, Power also has knowledge of the Islamic world. Even for over 17 years as a journalist, he often writes about Islamic society. This is where the curiosity Power began to emerge on the strength of the Koran.

"I have seen the tremendous power of the Koran through the actions of Muslims, but I had not read the text. Read the Koran apparently basic things to do, like reading Homer and Hamlet if you're reading the literature, "he said.

Curiosity in learning the Koran encourages Power to perpendidikan madrasah scholars from a village in Uttar Pradesh, India. Here, Power strives to practice listening and see how much common ground can be found by someone who has a fundamentally different view of himself in many ways.

Power initial friendship began when his father was killed in Mexico in 1993. For the first time, Power saw father's death as the beginning of a friendship with Sheikh Akram Nadwi who recited poems Pakistan philosopher Muhammad Iqbal, on the elegy for his mother.

"Poetry is the most entertaining thing I've ever heard in the midst of the mourning period. In essence, sorrow and death is something that is universal and part of life, "he said.

The conversation was aware of Power will something that is sacred to him as a secular humanist. "Recognize and accept differences in values ​​also contained in the Koran," he said.

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